What better time of year to sign up and start training for this worthy summer event?
Looking for a challenge in the New Year? Epilepsy Action has the perfect opportunity, as Bradford’s biggest road race returns this summer. The Bradford 10k, organised by Epilepsy Action, is taking place on Sunday 1st June 2025. Thousands of runners are set to hit the streets of Bradford for the event’s 15th year.
The new year is a time for setting fitness goals, and the race is a great way to inspire people to start running and work towards completing 10 kilometres. The event is designed for all runners, whether they’re simply trying a new fitness challenge, or aiming for a personal best. Plus, set in the City of Culture 2025, it’s the perfect location for the iconic event.

The Epilepsy Action Bradford 10k began in 2008 and each year has helped to raise vital funds to support people affected by epilepsy. Since then, over £600,000 has been raised by runners for the charity, with over 16,000 runners crossing the finish line in Centenary Square. The current course record is held by Tesfaye Debele, with a time of 31:02 minutes, achieved in 2013.
Louise McCormick, Bradford 10k Race Director at Epilepsy Action: “We are so excited for this summer’s Bradford 10k and we can’t wait to welcome both returning and new runners. We hope that the New Year will inspire people to take up running and the race is a great milestone for them to aim for.
Every step taken will be helping to raise vital funds to support the 630,000 people across the UK affected by epilepsy and, with the costs of events on the rise, every sign-up helps to keep this beloved race going. So, please bring along your friends and family and let’s make the race one to remember.”
Martin Sellors has lived in Bradford all his life and has participated in the Bradford 10k six times. Like many, he began his running journey by taking part in the local parkrun. Since starting in 2015, he has completed more than 380 parkruns at different locations in the UK, Netherlands and South Africa.

“When I saw that entries for the Bradford 10k 2025 were open, I signed up immediately. Hopefully, it’ll be nice weather in the year that Bradford is City of Culture, and also for the 75th anniversary year of Epilepsy Action.
During the previous races, I found the event extremely well organised on closed roads with plenty of support. It was well marshalled and there was the bonus of a medal and t shirt.
The first time I participated in the Bradford 10k I did not have a connection to epilepsy. However, in December 2020, I was rushed to hospital after experiencing a blood clot in the brain whilst driving to work. Subsequently, I was diagnosed with epilepsy.
I find both physical and mental benefits from running, as well as getting to meet and socialise with other runners. Taking part in these races also benefits charities, such as Epilepsy Action, in raising essential funds.”
Epilepsy affects around 51,000 people in Yorkshire and around 80 people are diagnosed in the UK every day. Epilepsy Action is committed to improving the lives of people with epilepsy, by campaigning for better services and raising awareness of the condition. They provide a national network of support groups, with expert advice available on its freephone helpline 0808 800 5050.

Signups for the race are open until 9pm on Sunday 25th May 2025, and there is a discounted cost for affiliated runners. An Epilepsy Action-branded shirt is available to purchase alongside for £10. Participants can find out more and sign up via http://www.epilepsy.org.uk/bradford . Runners can also email bradford10k@epilepsy.org.uk for any general queries or help.